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La bromelina es una enzima que procede del tallo de la piña fresca. Es más conocida por sus propiedades como ayuda digestiva, sobre todo para facilitar la digestión de las comidas con alto contenido en proteínas y grasas. Sin embargo, los estudios recientes han dirigido la atención de los profesionales hacia sus aplicaciones deportivas en torceduras y esguinces. Se cree que la bromelina inhibe la producción corporal de prostaglandinas asociadas con inflamación y dolor, mientras que promueve la formación de las que tienen acción anti-inflamatoria. Además, la bromelina parece mejorar la absorción de la curcumina, componente activo de la cúrcuma, por lo que muchos terapeutas recomiendan que se tomen juntas. Otra aplicación importante que tiene es la de reducir la congestión mucosa, debido a su acción mucolítica.

Bromelain, an enzyme derived from the stem of fresh pineapples, is probably best known for its use as a digestive aid, especially to assist in the digestion of fatty or high-protein meals.

Recent research however, has turned many experts’ attention to its use for helping sports people with sprains and strains. It is believed to inhibit the body's production of prostaglandins associated with inflammation and pain whilst promoting the formation of those with an anti-inflammatory action.

Bromelain can also work well when taken in conjunction with turmeric so many practitioners recommend taking the two products alongside each other. Bromelain appears to aid the absorption of curcumin, the active compound in turmeric.

To be of use a product must contain at least 2000 gelatin-dissolving units (GDUs) per gram, which is why it is important to use a high strength product such as ours that contains this relevant level.

Directions: For joint care: 3 capsules (1 between each meal) for one week. Thereafter a maintenance dose of 1 capsule daily can be taken for 3-6 months.
For digestive care: 1 capsule before each main meal up to a maximum of 3 per day.

Size or format: Container with 60 capsules.

Caution: None known at the recommended usage

Recomendation: To be stored in a cool, dry place and protected from light. Keep away from children