Hyssop plant 40 grams of Soria Natural

2.70 €
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Hyssop plant (Hyssopus officinalis L.) 40 grams of Soria Natural

Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L.) bag 40 gr Soria Natural

How to use:

Infusion: Put 1 teaspoon ground per cup. Add boiling water, let stand 5-10 minutes and filter.
Decoction (roots, stems): Pour the ground in boiling water, boil for 2-5 minutes, let stand 5-10 minutes and filter, in the ratio of 1 teaspoon per cup.
Contains flavonoids (diosmósido), phenols acids (caffeic, chlorogenic, rosmarínico), triterpenoids (ursolic and oleanolic acid) and choline. It also has essential oil, rich in thujone. Beta-pinene and alfa-pinocanfeno.

Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L.) stimulates digestive and nervous system functions. It is use in case of bronchitis, colds, asthma, dry cough and respiratory distress alleviates typical of spring allergy indicated. It is also used as an appetite stimulant and dyspepsia.